Saturday, August 27, 2011

Trinidad Ca (part 1)

Made a trip 20 miles north of Eureka to Trinidad. It is a very small town with a population of around 400 but has a drop dead bay. As you can see it was foggy so it wasn't as nice as it could have been. Lots of people use this marina to launch their boats to go fishing. Salmon is what most are catching now. There is a pier that you can walk out on and see otters and sea birds. There is a nice little restaurant called the Seascape at the dock. You can sit inside and watch the boats come and go. Plus they have good food. Weather has been cloudy and foggy in the morning with a little sun after 2 pm. Not cold but cool. Better than 100 degree weather. We paid for another week at the Moose Lodge. A question came about how to become a Moose Member. My son-in-law is a Moose and he got me the membership application. You then get approved and go to a new member meeting. I didn't due that because we were leaving, so they waived that part. I am looking for a sponsor to join the Elks, they also have rv parking at many of their Lodges. There are more pictures in 2nd post today. Going to Arcata today for their farmers market. Tomatoes and dreadlocks. Peppers and tie dye. They have an interesting bunch of folks selling veggies and fruit.

Trinidad Ca (part 2)

The picture of the deer was taken from the Moose Lodge where we are staying. There are several bucks and does that wander thru. Had a large doe walk past our trailer yesterday.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Our New Temporary Home In Eureka

We had planned on staying here for a few days while looking for a rv park to spend the month. But as you can see it is nice here. We have water and electric and there is a dump station on the property. It costs us $12 per night or $85 per week. The rv parks nearby are charging around $200 per week. None has a monthly rate because the monthly sites were full. We have lots of room and I can walk Pepper without a lease which she likes. The other bonus of staying here is the trip home from the bar is quite easy and no DUI risk. They serve a dinner every Friday nite and we have ate there 2 times. This past Sunday the lodge has a breakfast buffet and we took Jackie's brother there. (He flew up for a visit, more on that later). The lodge is about 2 miles from the center of town. The weather has been cloudy and cool most days. Around 60-65 degrees each day and some sun after 12:00 pm. But it is still tee shirt and shorts weather, with an occasional sweat shirt. P.S. the cocktails cost $2.50 and they give you almost a double, my kind of bar....

Sunday, August 21, 2011

1st look at Eureka Ca

The main reason we are here in Eureka is our granddaugher Kayla is starting Humboldt State University (HSU) or as the kids say HSU stands for Hills and Stairs University. She is in the dorm behind her picture, the room is on the second floor but to unload her stuff we had to bring it in thru the basement which meant up 3 flights of stairs. Yes there is NO elevator. It is a beautiful campus in the pines and a couple miles from the ocean. She is going to major in Marine Biology. No sure how much she will learn but her cardio will be great. We have done some exploring in and around Eureka. There are over 1600 historically-designated Victorian home in Eureka proper. The huge one pictured is call the Carson Mansion and is one of the most photographed Victorian homes in the USA. It had over 100 people working on it. Yesterday Jackie's brother flew up from Ventura Ca, he is spending a few days here. Going to go sightseeing with him today. Will post a little more often, I was reminded that I was getting behind on posting by someone who I won't name but he lives in Chico, his dad is Alex Wells and he is named after his dad. If you try real hard you might figure out who it is. LOL Weather cool and cloudy most of the day. Highs of 60-65 degrees and sun usually comes out after 12 pm.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Bandon Or.

By the time you read this post we will have magically moved to Eureka Ca by using a tricky time delayed posting process. This is the last post from Oregon. We sent a couple days in Bandon. There a state park called the Face Rock and as you can see in the picture a profile face looking up. Bandon is a nice coastal town but while we were there the wind was blowning and it was a little uncomfortable outside. Loved Oregon but excited about our next stay. We are at the Moose Lodge in Eureka, they have a 14 spot rv parking area. Water and Electric with a dump station and only $12 per day. Spent yesterday driving around the town and getting our bearings. The main reason we are hear is Kayla our #2 granddaughter starts Humbolt State on the 22nd. She can move into the dorm on the 16th. So her whole family is coming over on the 15th to help her get settled. Looking foward to seeing both granddaughters and our great granddaughter. Also looking foward to Jackies brother John flying up while we are here. Weather here has been cloudy in the am but clearing up for most of the day. 57 degrees for the high yesterday.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Leaving Waldport (two more posts follow)

Well we have been here for a month and are leaving Saturday. Will be working our way down the coast to Eureka, Ca. Plan on spending a few days in Bandon Or and Brookings Or. Will be getting in Eureka area around the 11th. We have really enjoyed our stay here. This coast line is something to see. I have put a bunch of misc pictures in the 3 posts today. The state of Oregon parks system is outstanding. Within 20 miles there are about a dozen of parks with beach access, paved parking lots and some have campgrounds. This bridge is located in Newport and it alone is worth the trip here. I know there are a lot of folks suffering in the heat but it has been great here. We have not got above 65 degrees and with the breeze off the coast it has been nice. Shoot, I even had to close the windows in the rig to take a nap because it was to cool. We took Pepper to the beach yesterday and let her off the leash and she ran and ran and ran. Haven't seen her so playful for a long time. Got worried she would hurt herself.

More pics (one more after this)

Near Newport up the river is an Oyster Farm, they shuck around 3500 oysters per day and supply most of the restaurants in the area. You can buy shucked or in shell. The lighthouse is located in Newport and is in a very nice park.

more pics

The bridge and boat were in the town of Depot Bay. A small tourist and fishing town north of us. Lots of whale watching in this area. The picture of the ditch is at our rv park. Even the ditches are pretty on the Oregon Coast