Sunday, April 3, 2011

Back to California

We arrived back at the daughters this week, which is north of Sacramento. Drove a little over 1000 miles from Benson to here. Had a blow out on a trailer tire and did some damage to fender well area. We were about 50 miles south of Kingman Az on a 2 lane road but got lucky and were able to get pulled over in a safe place. AAA came on got us back on the road. Trailer tires usually never wear out, they rot out. They should be replaced every 5 years max not matter how good the tread is. Ours were 51/2 yrs old. We will be here until the 1st week of June. Kayla our #2 granddaughter graduates from High School. We have doctor appointments set up. I go see the eye doc on the 15th, hope to get left eye catract removed. I will try and keep the blog interesting while we sit here. It gets a little difficult to post something when you are just doing doctor stuff. But I find something. We are going to see David Allen Coe on May 11th. The band that Clint our son is in will be one of the opening groups for him. Weather nice but a little windy, at lease not dusty like Arizona.

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