Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Sitting on the dock of the bay

Finally got some good weather here in Houston. Our rv park sits across the street from part of the waterway from the ocean to Houston area. About 5 miles from us, we cross a part of the bay on a ferry to a state park that is on the main waterway to Houston. They have benches that are located on the levy and you can sit and watch the ships come and go. We were talking about how you know that this happens but sitting there makes you really realize how much goes on in this country. We sat there for a while and enjoyed the nice day then toured the San Jacinto battlefield. Will be posting on that in a couple days. Our next sightseeing will be the Houston Space Center. We are going to wait until after the 1st and hopefully there will not be as many people there. We have been getting a lot of rain the past week and been cooped up. Had to stop walking, to much standing water. Looks like we are going to have some nice weather for a while. Pepper had a couple bad nights because of the thunder. When had has a bad night so do I. The next thing she won't like is New Years Eve. They sell fireworks here and even on Christmas night folks were shooting off fireworks and I mean big fireworks. Things that you would see at a fairground show. Have a safe and fun New Years.

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