Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Pictures that didn't make it

Here are a few pictures of our time in Eureka. There is a marsh area that the county maintains with trails and a little visitors center. It was a good walk to take Pepper on. As most of you know we have moved to Yuba City at our daughters. Had some doctor visits to do. All is well. Clean bill of health for Jackie and I. My vision has become so good after the cataract removal that my old glasses were causing vision problems. I now have 20/20 in the left eye and 20/25 in the right without glasses. I got new lens even though I really don't need them. But by some correction and bifocals the vision is perfect. We are going to stay here a couple more weeks. A few things we want to do before going. Our plan is to leave this area on the 9th of Oct. and head south toward Jackie's brother, who lives near Ventura Ca. May make a stop along the way to Ventura and play golf with a friend (Carl) at Vandenberg AFB if our schedules work out. After John and Robin's visit on to a visit with Jackie's cousin in Riverside County. We will then head east and work our way to the east coast. No time line or route cast in stone. Just mosey to the Texas coast. Thinking we will be there for Christmas. Then continue on along the coast weather permitting to Florida. I know the blog really slows down while we are here but not much to post. Just doctor visits and not much else going on. I guess I will have to get out and stir up some action. Weather has been HOT!

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