Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Visit to Pumpkin Patch

Jackie and I went with the family to a local farm that has a huge area with a petting zoo, shops, corn mazes, train and pony rides and a massive pumpkin field. Sitting in the hay is our oldest daughter Carrie, then our great granddaughter Annabelle, then our granddaughter Melissa and our youngest Kelly. It was a perfect day weather wise, we all had a great time. Having grand kids make you feel grand, having great grand kids make you feel OLD! We are leaving Friday and moving to Loomis (next to Sacramento) to visit my sister and a few friends. Saturday night a friend (Bill Edwards) and I are attending a party for current and past employees that worked at NEC. Sunday we are heading out for southern California, still a few loose ends as to our schedule before we get there. We will be visiting Jackie's brother and sister-in-law, then on to her cousin for a visit. We are excited to get going, heading across country for a year or so is something we have been planning for along time. The weather here is lite rain but will clear out later today. Today and tomorrow I need to clean the trailer including the roof. This is the job that I don't enjoy doing, to much ladder work.

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