Saturday, January 28, 2012

Odds and Ends in New Orleans

Jackie and I weather permitting try and walk 2-3 miles in the morning. After doing that spending 3-4 hrs walking around New Orleans we got a good workout. Here are a few pictures of the French Quarter that I liked. The guys playing music were fun to stand and listen to. I bought one of their CD's. There are so many old and interesting buildings in this town that it is hard to pick some to post. A lot of our friends and family have been here before so they understand how interesting the area is. We didn't go down town at night but it is a different town at night from what we were told. A few years ago I would have been there but now by dark I need my recliner. From what some of the locals told us be careful at night because of pick pockets and purse snatchers. Well thats of for New Orleans. Ocean Springs and Biloxi next.

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