Saturday, May 5, 2012

Another cousin visit

 Well, I think we have visited the last cousin of Jackie. At lease on her mothers side. Spent 3 nights about 25  miles south of Fredricksburg Va. Jackie's cousin Carlene and her husband George live on Lake Anna, which is about 30 miles west of where we are parked. The lake is beautiful and has is shaped so that there are many creeks and coves to explore. They have a boat dock that is covered and a sitting area. We went for a few hour boat ride with them and can see why they enjoy living there. The little known bonus of visiting Jackie's cousins is I had another good meal. Today we move to Damascus Maryland, which is just outside Washington DC. Will be there from the 5th-18th of May. Will be staying at Fred and Cyndy"s place, they have a 3 acre lot, so shouldn't a problem parking. Fred and I served together in the Air Force in the late 60's, early 70's at Vandenburg AFB. Next week on the 11th Carl who we also served with will be flying in for a week. Will be touring DC, so should have lots of info to share. Weather is warm and humid and some thunderstorms night before last. Pepper is doing ok. Walking slow and breathing hard but over all she is hanging in there. She does not like the heat and humidity either.

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