Friday, May 25, 2012

Travel update

The last two stops have had bad internet reception, so I can't post pictures. Will as soon as we can. We made a drastic change in our plans a few days ago. We left the DC area on the way to Gettysburg, when we started talking about the traffic, heat, rain, humidity and Jackie missing seeing the kids. So we decided to head back west to Oregon. These past 8 months we have traveled and seen many things. We plan on continuing but are finding that we now have gotten some of the travel bug out of our system. So we are going to slow down some and over the next several years continue wander around but at a slower pace. We really enjoyed the summer along the Oregon and Northern California coast and our winter in Arizona. So we are going to hit some of our favorite places again, spend a some time visiting with the kids then head out again. For us this lifestyle is always changing and we are learning how to adapt to the changes. Right now the change is saying get your ass to the cool coast of Oregon. We are now near Bloomington Il. and will be in Iowa City Iowa tomorrow. We are going to spend 3 nights at the Moose Lodge, so we are not traveling over the holiday. Weather hot and a little humid. Pepper struggles in the heat so she too will be glad to get somewhere cool.

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