Friday, November 26, 2010

Had a nice Thanksgiving with the family, about 14 of us got together. Picture of Clint and his family and a picture of the girls sitting while I did all of the work. Not really this is the first Thanksgiving that I didn't do anything but eat. And I can get use to that! We are going to sit here until Monday and then head out. Don't want to do the holiday traffic. Just made Pepper a hair appointment for Wednesday in San Luis Obispo. Have to make her look smaller. We want to stay in a Rv park in Las Vegas but dogs can only weigh up to 20 pounds. They asked if she was a lap dog, you know what I said. Depends on size of your lap. I asked them if the weight the dogs, she said they might let her in they would have to look at her. I am going to call again an offer to pay a surcharge if she can stay. The park only charges $102 plus electricty per week, very cheap for las vegas. I googled earthed it and it looks nice.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Updated schedule

Having to have the eye surgery put us behind what we thought was our schedule. We had begun to feel as if we had not started are journey until we left the area where we lived for 40 yrs. We forgot we were calling the 1st phase our family and friends tour. I guess we were anxious to get somewhere new and now realize that we have unlimited time to get there. Also seeing and experiencing new things we haven't done are a major reason to go somewhere. So our plan is to drive south on hwy 99 to Fresno Ca and turn right and head to the coast. Spend a night or two in San Luis Obispo, then on to Santa Paula to visit John and Robin, Jackie's brother and sister-in-law . We want to see Thumbleweed and its home. From there on to San Jacinto to visit Jackie's cousin Brenda. Then if all goes as planned over to Las Vegas to visit a friend from my military time. Then south toward Yuma. From there work our way to Florida.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Frankentraveler meets Cute Grandkids

Well I survived this week of needles and knives. Every doctor I go to here they cut something off, I told Jackie I wasn't to go to an urologist. I don't know if Jackie got a compliment or I was called an old fart. I was being released yesterday and Jackie went to get the truck to pick me up. After she left I has some things to finish with the nurse. The nurse said " Lets get you in the wheelchair while your DAUGHTER gets your car". I told her she was my wife and damn don't tell her you said that. I don't know if she thought Jackie looked so young or I just look that old. Jackie says its both. Patch is off and vision is alot better, still a little blurry but will get better in a few days. The other pictures are our Granddaughters and Great Granddaughter. Melissa and her baby Annabell are here thru Christmas

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Shopping spree !!!

This is Carrie's place. Took Jackie on a shopping spree today. We needed storage bins to put in our cabinets to keep things from sliding and tipping over. So we went to the local dollar store and spent just over $8.00. Gave Jackie the option of picking out any 2 or 3 items she wanted, since I had not got her anything for her last birthday. I am still trying to remove the plunger. We are in the process of purchasing a timeshare campground membership. It is located in Arkansas near Texarkana Tx. This membership will allow us to access Coast to Coast and RPI which is a program that allows us to stay at hundreds of rv parks for $10 per night. Rv parks usually charge $25-35 per nite so this saves anywhere from $15-25 per nite. The park we are joining is Millwood Landing Golf and Rv Resort. We can stay there free for 2 weeks then out for 1 week and return again for 2 weeks free if we chose and do this as much as we chose. Membership parks like this one can cost many thousands of dollars to join but there are
people selling them at discounted prices. Jackie was looking on the internet and found this membership. The price the people are asking of the membership is only $10. We called the park and were asking about some upgrades and they said we should consider buying a membership from them, until they asked how much this one was going to cost. No more sales pitch. Should have the purchase done next week.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

No News is No News

Not much new happening here. We went to the Moose Lodge with Carrie and Brian and his family to dinner Tuesday nite. They have a menu with alot of options and a special on Tuesdays. A couple of drinks and chicken fried steak and I was a happy camper. Yesterday Jackie and I went to Sacramento (about 60 miles south of here) and I helped a friend put up 8 sheets of T-111 siding on a garage. Had 3 windows to cut around so it took a while. Then we had to trim it out. A little sore today but thru the wonders of chemistry I will get better. Jackie has a bone density test this afternoon, just a base line test for future. Big day for us Doctor visit, walmart trip and get a few groceries at Raleys. Melissa and our great granddaughter are coming here from South Carolina next Tuesday and will be staying thru Christmas, so today we have to get baby toys. We keep checking the weather in Las Vegas, Yuma, Rockport tx, and Crestview Fl. All of them have weather that do not require LONG pants...........................

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Our offical Moose Lodge

I always have said using an old saying, " I would never belong to an organization that would have me as a member". But yesterday I filled out an application to join the Moose and should be an offical Moose next week. The Moose Lodge are similar to the Elks which I am also looking to join. Carrie has several family members and friends who belong to this lodge. We have been in there several times for dinner and drinks. The reason we joined is there are a lot of lodges that have rv parking and just a donation of $5-10 to park. When living on the road 365 days per year, cheap places to park are important to find. I know us staying at friends and family will grow old fast.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Iceman Cometh

Well, this posting gives a slight look into our life. There is a small rural market about 1/2 mile from where we are staying. The store is not any bigger than the average garage. Our trailer has a freezer compartment but is not very large so we buy bags of ice instead of using ice trays. Jackie has become the fetcher of ice and going to this small market they have gotten to know her. The other day she went in to buy some ice and the lady working there said "Oh, there is the ice lady, what do you do with all of this ice". Sheepishly Jackie replied "Cocktails".

Monday, November 1, 2010

Trunk or treat

We went to Kayla's High School last night for trunk or treat. The students, about 50 cars, decorate the trunks of their cars and give out candy to the little kids. The seniors earn community service credit but they would do it anyway. They had as much fun as the little ones. Kayla is standing on the left of the trunk, there is a real person in the trunk and on the ground. They are suppose to be a mob hit. Clints two little girls came and had a lot of fun. Of course this takes place durning my cocktail hour, guess I can go on the wagon for a few hours.