Sunday, November 21, 2010

Updated schedule

Having to have the eye surgery put us behind what we thought was our schedule. We had begun to feel as if we had not started are journey until we left the area where we lived for 40 yrs. We forgot we were calling the 1st phase our family and friends tour. I guess we were anxious to get somewhere new and now realize that we have unlimited time to get there. Also seeing and experiencing new things we haven't done are a major reason to go somewhere. So our plan is to drive south on hwy 99 to Fresno Ca and turn right and head to the coast. Spend a night or two in San Luis Obispo, then on to Santa Paula to visit John and Robin, Jackie's brother and sister-in-law . We want to see Thumbleweed and its home. From there on to San Jacinto to visit Jackie's cousin Brenda. Then if all goes as planned over to Las Vegas to visit a friend from my military time. Then south toward Yuma. From there work our way to Florida.

1 comment:

  1. Cliff,Jackie

    I hope I have the hang of this now, so just checking.. where are you at?? today is friday evening............

