Friday, December 31, 2010

Food cart review part 2

I can only put 5 pictures on per post so there are 2 postings today. There are still a few food carts coming in but most are in place. The big start is Jan. 7th when most vendors will be here. Some of the carts are not opened yet. Think after the 1st most will be up and running. We had some rain and lots of wind the past few days but this morning it is calm but cold, still wearing my shorts but it is a little cool some days. Have a fun and safe New Years.

Food cart review part 2

There will be a test in this posting. Which stand do you think I like the best? It will be difficult to figure it out but good luck trying. No prizes for the winner.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Another Holy Crap !!! book store suprise

I was wondering why Jackie had bought 10 books, one at a time. So I went with her this time and I yelled look out Ethel but it was to late, she had already been....well you know the old Roger Miller song. He is a local folk oddity named Paul Winer and he owns the book store. On Jan 12 he is having a concert, a boogie-woogie & blues cabaret with is original songs. (yes he will have on clothes). We laughed our tails off. Ya just never know.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Hi everyone, over this holiday weekend we have talked to many of our friends and family and we have found out that many of you are following our blog. There are several things about the blog I am learning, I for one am a moron when it comes to things like this and it takes me a long time to figure out how this works. For example, I found out today that the reason I couldn't see comments is I was entering the site from the posting side and it does not show the comments from all of you. Jackie assumed I knew this, just to show she isn't all that smart either. Please keep posting your comments. Now that I know about them we will reply. Any suggestions will be ignored, not really, we will try and make this blog fun for everyone. We now have old friends, new friends, family following us as we stumble around. Next week part 2 of food cart review and a book store surprise. Happy Holidays

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas in Quartzsite

Christmas eve they had an ATV parade. As you can see it is second only to the Rose Bowl Parade. They had a wopping 7 atv's, I had enough scotch in me to see double so it was alot bigger in my mind than what was really happening. Christmas day they had a potluck dinner at the club house. The rv park furnished the turkey and ham and the rest was potluck. We enjoyed ourselves. The food was pretty good and everyone laughing and having fun. Overall a good Christmas. Jackie and I had breakfast this morning with a bottle of champagne and opened our one present that Kelly had given us. Can't go wrong starting the day with some champagne. Merry Christmas all....

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Holy crap!!!!

I thought we were in sunny Arizona. We are just about to be hit by the last of the storms. Couldn't decide whether to finish my cocktail or run for cover. The old saying if this trailer is arock'n don't bother a knock'n does not apply today. Hell, not only are shorts not ok today, I need hip waders. But the good news it is still about 60 degrees and no snow. FYI it is pouring...............................!!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

why I can't work

This is a bit of an inside list. For those who don't know there is a group of us who met in the morning for coffee at the local store in TRE. Ole, who is in charge of the roads and water would come in almost every morning and as a joke ask us old farts which one on use wanted to work today. I always had an stupid ass reason I couldn't work that day or week or month. My reasons continue .

10. A new food stand coming in.
09. I am the rv park computer guy
08. Haven't finished counting people selling rocks.
07. Technical advisor for the city of Quartzsite.
06. Still trying to figure out the time zone change. Don't know if I would be early or late for work.
05. Met city worker named Ole, so I am confused as to whom not to work for.
04. Traded winter jacket for 12 pack Bud Light
03. Gallons of suntan lotion to use.
02. Local store wants me to join morning coffee group.
and #1. Still working on tan

Sunday, December 19, 2010

more pictures from previous post

The pizza stand is from Las Vegas, they deliver. A few of the stands are setup but not open, they will open Jan 1st.

The weather here is still nice, a little windy yesterday but 70 degrees. We have been walking a few miles everyday, there are ATV trails through out the desert here so we take Pepper and follow a road.

Gourmet dining in Quartzsite

Here is a sample of some of the food wagons. These were taken in just one area and as the area fills up more come in. They are located in and amoung the vendors, so as you wonder around food is always near. We tried the sweet potato fries (not as good as Johnny's Roadhouse). This blog only lets me post 5 pictures at a time, so I will post the rest in second posting.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

pack of old farts

We were watching 7 people help back up this pickup with a quad trailer back up. All were waving their hands, pointing different directions and had the driver completely confused. Jackie would fit in with this group. Not much new to report, the vendors are coming in daily and by the 1st it will be busy here. A couple of these pictures is an area next to the rv park we are in. There is going to be qbout 200 vendors there and a food court. Everyday day a few more move in and some have pallets of rocks staged. Pepper and I walk there to see what new has came in. Light rain today expect a high of 65.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Fountain of Youth !!!!!

1st - I have discovered the fountain of youth. In the few days that we have been here it is clear that I am the youngest person at our RV park and possibly Quartzsite. It is good to be the kid again.
2nd - To all of my friends, especially those back in TRE it is 75 degress here today. I know you guys are not freezing but your not sitting outside having a cocktail! As you can see by the table next to me I spent most of the morning decorating the outside for Christmas. I also have discovered that the couch has a tendency to float here more than anywhere else. Making cocktails, decorating and holding down the couch has wore me out, may have to take the rest of the month off.... let Ole know that I will not be able to work the rest of the year. cheers !!!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Quartzsite stay

We got into Quartzsite Thursday afternoon and have been enjoying the sights. Not a lot of vendors here yet, they come in thru the end of this month and by Jan it will be full. We are in a rv park close to all the activity. This morning I hiked up the peak next to our park and took some pictures. It was a lot more steeper than I thought. Had to stop a few times to allow my heart and lungs to come to grip with this climb. Made it up with the help of a couple elderly ladies. We plan on staying here until after the rv show at the end of Jan. They have about 150,000 people come thru the show. It has a 68,000 sq/ft tent for the show. Today Jackie and I are going to wander around some of the vendors who are set up. The weather is PERFECT !!. It was 68 yesterday with a light breeze, clear skies and a low of about 50.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Arrived in Las Vegas Monday afternoon to visit some friends Carl and Judy. Carl and I were in the Air Force together in the late 1960's to 1971. We are parked near Fremont Street so we could walk around the area, just went there once not much interest in the casinos. We drove out to Hoover Dam and drove across the new bridge. Driving across you can not see anything, they have about 5 foot high concrete walls so seeing down in impossible. Driving across you don't even feel like your on a bridge. If you drive down to the dam there is a area before the dam that you can walk across the bridge. It is done real well, there is a quad that has lots of info on the construction. Played golf with Carl and then had dinner at their house last night. We leave today (Thursday) for Quartzsite Az, we will be staying there for a while. Want to enjoy the Quartzsite experience and catch the RV show. They expect 150,00 people to come to the show. Pepper doesn't like the park we are in, all black top and a nasty dog run area, she will like the next spot we are staying at, desert.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Santa Paula Ca.

We are visiting Jackie's brother and sister-in-law for a few days. Jackie is scared of heights but went up with her brother. He took us both up for a while Friday and then on Saturday. They are only about 15 miles from the coast so we flew some of the coast up to Santa Barbara. The plane is a light sport class, carbon composite construction so it is very light 750 lbs. It even has a parachute ( which we were glad ). We flew over the rv park where we are staying, it is a county park with full hookups and there is only one other rv there so it has been very quite. Sunday we are going to the airport for what they call 1st Sunday. The owners of the hangers open them up so you can tour the hanger area. Leaving here Monday morning and heading to Las Vegas for a few days to visit an old Air Force buddy of mine. Then heading down to Quartzsite Az.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Finally were off!!!!!!!

Well, those of you who were wondering when we would wander we wandered today. Left the kids at Gridley and drove to Paso Robles. We drove 334 miles today way more than we like but the route we took, down I-5 there are no rv parks that would divide up our trip to Ventura ca. Will spend the night here then on down to see Jackies brother and sister-in-law. For the guys I checked the mileage I was getting while pulling the trailer was 13.09 miles per gallon. The truck computor said 14.3 so it is close to what we got. Of course I was driving down the freeway at 25 miles per hour. Not really I kept it at around 60 mph. We are spending the next few days in Santa Paula at a county park. The place we stayed at before has become a KOA campground. They want $49.00 per night to stay there. The park is not worth $25 per nite, we hate KOA's never stay at them, overpriced and overrated. I hear the Scotch bottle being opened.....Oh..Big Larry, tell everyone at the safety meeting I said hello and miss their abuse

Friday, November 26, 2010

Had a nice Thanksgiving with the family, about 14 of us got together. Picture of Clint and his family and a picture of the girls sitting while I did all of the work. Not really this is the first Thanksgiving that I didn't do anything but eat. And I can get use to that! We are going to sit here until Monday and then head out. Don't want to do the holiday traffic. Just made Pepper a hair appointment for Wednesday in San Luis Obispo. Have to make her look smaller. We want to stay in a Rv park in Las Vegas but dogs can only weigh up to 20 pounds. They asked if she was a lap dog, you know what I said. Depends on size of your lap. I asked them if the weight the dogs, she said they might let her in they would have to look at her. I am going to call again an offer to pay a surcharge if she can stay. The park only charges $102 plus electricty per week, very cheap for las vegas. I googled earthed it and it looks nice.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Updated schedule

Having to have the eye surgery put us behind what we thought was our schedule. We had begun to feel as if we had not started are journey until we left the area where we lived for 40 yrs. We forgot we were calling the 1st phase our family and friends tour. I guess we were anxious to get somewhere new and now realize that we have unlimited time to get there. Also seeing and experiencing new things we haven't done are a major reason to go somewhere. So our plan is to drive south on hwy 99 to Fresno Ca and turn right and head to the coast. Spend a night or two in San Luis Obispo, then on to Santa Paula to visit John and Robin, Jackie's brother and sister-in-law . We want to see Thumbleweed and its home. From there on to San Jacinto to visit Jackie's cousin Brenda. Then if all goes as planned over to Las Vegas to visit a friend from my military time. Then south toward Yuma. From there work our way to Florida.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Frankentraveler meets Cute Grandkids

Well I survived this week of needles and knives. Every doctor I go to here they cut something off, I told Jackie I wasn't to go to an urologist. I don't know if Jackie got a compliment or I was called an old fart. I was being released yesterday and Jackie went to get the truck to pick me up. After she left I has some things to finish with the nurse. The nurse said " Lets get you in the wheelchair while your DAUGHTER gets your car". I told her she was my wife and damn don't tell her you said that. I don't know if she thought Jackie looked so young or I just look that old. Jackie says its both. Patch is off and vision is alot better, still a little blurry but will get better in a few days. The other pictures are our Granddaughters and Great Granddaughter. Melissa and her baby Annabell are here thru Christmas